i ask my students at parsons’ design and technology MFA program to keep a process blog. the department requires it, and i agree. reflecting on my day, on my projects, on my words and action has helped me develop as a person, a mother, a teacher, an artist. i worked with an empowerment facilitator, Laura… Continue reading do as i do
Tag: journal
found photo, commuter train in japan
On the train, out of the corner of my eye, I saw my seatmate cross herself. Forehead, heart, left shoulder, right shoulder, lips (tiny kiss sound). I thought it was the music she was listening to on her shiny black iPod, maybe religious music, so I stole another glance. But it was Silk. I craned… Continue reading found photo, commuter train in japan
look inside this book!
you’d think we were sorcerers or astrophysicists, the way we dole out stars to products and services from our unlimited supply of judgement.